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Sunday Scaries and other days of the week

Cartoon drawing of a female character (me) hiding in bed with her duvet pulled up, around her are evil faces coming out of the darkness. Text reads: "Sunday Scaries - Not just a Halloween nightmare..."

Halloween seemed like the perfect opportunity to share the horrors of a week-in-the-life of yours truly. I exaggerate, of course, this mental health nightmare isn't exactly what I go through every single week, but maybe some variation of it.

Black and white cartoon drawing of a female character (me) hiding under the desk looking overwhelmed - her laptop says "Very important work stuff". Text reads: "Monday Meltdowns".

Monday meltdowns are definitely a thing. I don't know why, but Mondays are overwhelming at best. Maybe you relate?

Of course, Sunday Scaries and Monday Meltdowns are twins of terror - they go hand-in-hand, fanning each other's flames, so to speak.

Gosh, Halloween is such a fitting time to be writing this post. I'm loving it.

Black and white cartoon drawing of a female character sprawled out on her desk sleeping. Text reads: "Too-tired-to-work Tuesdays".

Ah yes, Tuesdays - the crash. If this is indeed how my week has started off, Tuesday is probably my favourite day of the week - we don't have a morning meeting on Tuesdays.

This means I don't have to wake up and brush my hair or do my teeth. I can start work looking and feeling like a monster, and nobody has to know!

Black and white cartoon drawing of a female character (me) walking and concentrating on the mug of hot tea she's holding precariously. Text reads: "Wobbly Wednesdays".

The midweek hump, I'm trying to pull myself together by Wednesday. It's going to take a lot of tea.

There was a midweek meeting in the morning, and I've managed to fool everyone into thinking I'm winning. If only they knew...

Black and white cartoon drawing of a female character (me) sitting at her desk working on a laptop, and glancing with a relieved look on her face at the calendar on the wall. Text reads: "Thankful Thursdays... Weekend is in sight".

I adore Thursdays. There's no morning meeting. There might be some training this afternoon, but the weekend is in sight and I'm gaining momentum.

Thursdays is for feeling like a normal, capable person, and not a freak-of-nature-Frankenstein-being who is so completely broken and damaged that they'll never know what it's like to be human.

Cue violins. Or haunting Dracula-esque church organ, whatever.

Black and white cartoon drawing of a female character (me) looking worried with anxious thought bubbles. Text reads: "Final Friday Freak-out".

You'd think that Fridays were the best day of my working week - but no.

No, no, they most definitely are not. We call them "Deep Dive Fridays" at work...

The main aim of the day is to be sucked dry of every last ounce of brain juice left over from the week...

Give it your all, get all the things done!

Black and white cartoon drawing of a female character (me) zonked out and slipping off the side of the bed, wearing a pink eye mask, the sun is shining into the room. Text reads: "Sleep-all-day Saturdays".

Ah yes, my one-day weekend (Sundays don't count, as we've already established).

I should probably have an alarm set for Saturdays, because sometimes, I sleep right through it.

Clearly this is a very silly, and mostly exaggerated account of my weekly mental health struggle. I haven't included what the opposite end of my mood disorder spectrum looks like - because mania is way too scary for Halloween, let's not even go there.

It's true that a lot of mental health struggle does happen behind the scenes though, and I think this goes for people who are diagnosed with a mental health disorders and people who aren't.

So I just wanted to acknowledge, during the scariest week of the year, that we're all facing our own demons, and they don't just show up for Halloween.

Disclaimer: my boss isn't a slave-driver and the company I work for is very supportive of mental health.

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2 תגובות

28 באוק׳ 2024

Hi Zara,

These are a really well drawn set of images, and it's great that you have a supportive employer.

Wishing you a happy Halloween!

Gerard 🎃

Zara Mohammed
Zara Mohammed
30 באוק׳ 2024
בתשובה לפוסט של

Ooh, Hi Gerard, I've just seen your comment - how exciting! Thanks for taking the time to leave one, I appreciate that. I'm pleased you enjoyed my cartoons, they were fun to create. Have a happy Halloween... Enjoy, Zara x

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