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Walking the dog is thinking time

This is how I walk my dog

(and I wonder why I’m not a CEO yet).

It wasn’t always like this though.

It’s not that I’m a pushover or that I don’t have the skills!

Once upon a time my dog knew how to ‘heel’.

Hell, once upon a time I even ran my own business teaching other people’s pups how to ‘heel’.

My problem is that I lack consistency, which is why I bring this story to LinkedIn (which was where this story was originally published, in case you didn't get that).

I keep reading that LinkedIn, like every other social platform, as well as success and growth in general, requires consistency. But that’s just not the way my brain works.

I won't go into why my mental health disorder makes this difficult for me, because that’s not the point here, even though it’s true, and very frustrating indeed.

My point is, that I CAN achieve things when I really want to.

But I have to really want it, and want it for long enough to sustain that consistent growth.

That’s the challenge.

So what do you want, Zara?

Do you want to be the CEO of your own company? – Not particularly.

Do you want your dog to ‘heel’ nicely so that everyone will admire your dog ownership skills? – No, I'm not really bothered by that either.

Ah-ha! So we have stumbled across the real problem.

Zara doesn't know what she wants.

How can I lead myself when I don’t know where on earth I’m going?

I need a destination and then I need a roadmap.

I don’t know about you, but this is definitely something I’ll be thinking about this week.

P.S. Who likes the colour in my cartoon?

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